Organizational and Management Diagnoses Focused on the Consultation Goals

This initial phase involves a thorough assessment of the organization’s functioning according to the consultation requirements.
Through interviews with senior management and other firm members as well as studying relevant documents and making observations the following subjects are being analyzed:

  • Current vision and strategy and their implementation
  • Suitability of organizational structure
  • The central values and organizational culture
  • Management style and methods
  • Decision making processes and control
  • Suitability of the human resources both for the positions and the tasks

This phase is followed by a presentation including findings, conclusions and recommendations.

Management Discussion Creating a Strategy Focused Work Plan

Following the recommendations S2R engages managements to discuss and develop and agreed upon work plan. The plan also includes tasks, milestones and success measurements.

Implementing the Work Plan

This phase involves the implementation of the Work Plan. S2R follows the process throughout the milestones, assisting when needed and consulting management with any challenges or difficulties, while meeting the designated goals.